Second Semester Sightings
POSTED ON Wednesday, January 30, 2013 AT 7:51 AM \\
First semester wrapped up in mid-December. I'm happy with how I did in all my courses. Winter break was relaxing but kind of boring, so I was glad to be back in school in January.
My three courses this semester are: Physiology, Neuroscience, and Biochem/Genetics. All the upper semester students have been constantly warning us about the difficulty of Physio, and they were so right! We had our first block exams yesterday (Tuesday), and the class average for Physio was a 56. Even though I passed, I felt very worried about my confidence in the material after seeing my mark. I thought I knew the material inside out, and it was supposed to be the easiest section of the course. The whole class was up in arms about it right after the test was finished, but the professor seemed unfazed about our reactions. I guess we just need to be more on our toes for her exams.
Anyways. The island feels chillier than usual, especially in the mornings. I have yet to turn on the A/C at my place.

I've changed my study habits up a bit. Instead of going to the study hall, I've been confining myself to my house. I hired a cleaning lady to come every two weeks to clean the entire house. It has definitely helped me take a lot of my mind and makes me feel more relaxed and at ease. I feel more focused and less worried about how dirty the floor is or how many spiders are possibly crawling up the wall. It has also reduced the number of trips to the convenience store, which means less consumption of junk food.

Some pictures I took recently:

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