Block 3
POSTED ON Friday, July 12, 2013 AT 7:41 AM \\
Block 3 was this Monday. Path went fantastic - class average was probably around a 90? Micro went okay, class averaged an 80? Ethics finished last Friday, and it went better than I had hoped, and the final class average was in the high 80s. 

Our new psychology professor is a very boisterous and energetic woman whose speech mannerism reminds me of a less pious version of Sheldon Cooper's mom. So far I am enjoying her lectures.
We are starting bacteriology in micro. Bacteriology is all about differentiation between different strains. Is it gram positive or negative? Cocci or rod? Catalase positive or negative? Does it cause endocarditis? Etc...

Yesterday (Thursday) a group of realtors flew down to Statia to meet with the students and teachers so that they can help us secure housing on St. Martin. As soon as they arrived, they were swarmed with students. It was like a zoo. I stopped by to get in touch with the agent I was corresponding via e-mail with, and we agreed on a time and place to meet on Saturday so I can take a look at the places myself (I will be flying to St Martin on Saturday). A lot of properties have already been rented out to students, and places are still going fast I hope I'm not too late!

Phew this has been a really long week, TGIF!

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