POSTED ON Saturday, June 8, 2013 AT 12:23 PM \\

FYI the title of the post is related to a music video (see below).

So I got a little daring and made sweet and sour chicken! I was surprised that it was so easy to make (I did cheat a little by using a pre-made sweet and sour sauce, but everything else including the chicken I had to cut up). 

I like mixing my rice with everything!

It tasted okay. But nothing I cook tastes as good as what restaurants serve, or what my mom makes at home (insert drawn-out sigh here). 

Our micro prof keeps us on our toes everyday because any day he could give us a quiz. And if the class doesn't score an average above 70 on it then he threatens to make the block exam super hard. Yikes! We're currently learning virology in micro. I never knew there were so many different families and subtypes of viruses. EIGHT types of herpesviruses, plus all the hepatitis viruses A, B, C, D, E, G… to name just a few of them!! 

Can't wait for tomorrow's season finale of Game of Thrones it's gonna be SO good I just know it!!! Also tomorrow is a pot-luck happening at school in the afternoon. My neighbour and I are planning on baking brownies, with a hidden surprise! Gonna be my first time baking brownies, hoping it'll turn out alright. 

Also, I'm currently addicted to this song: 

The singer (Henry Lau) used to attend my high school. He used to perform violin solos on stage at our talent shows before he got an opportunity to go to Korea and then a few years later he's a total kpop heart-throb and has his own music video and album. Yay I have a Facebook friend who's a celebrity lol! 

Here's an earlier video of him playing the violin:

Crazy talented dude!

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