Halfway home
POSTED ON Thursday, June 20, 2013 AT 8:00 AM \\
Late post because I've been feeling very tired/lazy/unmotivated the past couple of days ever since I finished my blocks on Monday. They were okkaayy. I could have done better in psych had I studied more pharm. Thankfully, the class averaged a 75 on the micro exam, which means that the next block will not be cumulative. And for path, the class averaged an 80 just like last time. 

End of Block 2 also marks the halfway point of the semester!~ 

We have a guest lecturer covering Neoplasia in Pathology. He used to teach at Harvard before he retired. His powerpoints goes into a lot of detail, more than we are used to, and he really knows his stuff.
We're starting Immunology in Micro, which is totally new stuff for me. Next two weeks of micro are going to be intense! 

In other news, I've been having to make trips to the store almost every day. On Monday I went to the grocery store just to buy fruits and veggies. I came home with two bagfuls of pears, apples, carrots and yogurt (I'm trying to eat healthier). Not only were they heavy but I had to walk up hill to get to my place. Tomorrow I will have to return to buy the rest of my groceries. 

This weekend I have to make sure to do the following: 
- read ahead for Immuno 
- review Neoplasia (watch Pathoma videos, read BRS and do Robbins and Webpath questions)
- read BRS psychology 

Meanwhile, I have a lot of cleaning to do, bleh!

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