Mother's Day Sunday
POSTED ON Sunday, May 12, 2013 AT 3:03 PM \\
Today is Mother's day and also a Sunday which means a new episode of GoT which I will be watching at 9 PM tonight in the comfort of my living space (which is just the basement part of a big house). So excited, because this will be the first time I actually watch it when it airs on TV, and will not have to pirate it later.

On Saturday I went for a run in the morning. I took a trail that circled the base of the volcano, and which led to the Botanical Garden. I think the distance from my place to there is about 4 km, and took me about half an hour. On the way back, however, there were so many hills, so I walked most of the way back. I was quite exhausted afterwards, and after a shower and a small breakfast I fell back asleep in bed. It was the longest distance I had covered to date (almost 8 km). When I woke up I realized that I got slightly sunburnt, and there were tan-lines from my shorts and t-shirt. I then decided that I will go during the evenings when the sun won't be as aggressive.

So I've been drinking A LOT of tea recently, thanks to my new awesome tea maker! So today I made some bubble tea for the first time ever!

Lychee flavoured bubble tea with jasmine tea!

Rest of the weekend...

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