POSTED ON Sunday, May 26, 2013 AT 8:14 AM \\
On Friday I decided to make congee, one of my favourite Chinese dishes. I put some water and rice in a pot and set it on the stove until it was boiling. Then I lowered the heat and poured in a seafood mix, which included crab meat, mussels, squid. I added some soy sauce and sriracha sauce to taste, then lastly some salt after borrowing it from my neighbour next door. The concoction turned out really thick and really salty, but tasty.

I ran out of food over the weekend so I made a lot of pasta. Pasta with avocado, pasta with tomato sauce, pasta with hummus, etc... So sick of pasta now!!

My fridge right now:

I'm just like,

I can't wait to buy groceries on Monday. I plan on clearing out the veggies section.

I'm feeling alright for block 1 exams. Path isn't too difficult so far. Micro is just a lot of memorization. And psych is... well, psych. We'll see how it goes on Monday.

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