Block 3
POSTED ON Tuesday, March 12, 2013 AT 6:54 PM \\
Just had block 3 exams. Physio, neuro and biochem (in order of increasing exam difficulty). They were a little rough, but it was to be expected. This was the hardest block for biochem (pathways), and we had renal and resp for physio. And neuro was, well, neuro. What used to be an easy course is not so anymore thanks to one or two people in the class that ruined it for everyone. I passed everything but definitely could have done better. One more exam before the shelfs, and I'm already worrying about them. Everyone is agreeing that second semester is one of the toughest. 

I have started jogging in the mornings about a week ago. Like actual jogging. Not the jog-for-five-minutes-around-the-block-jogging. But jogging for 3-4 miles every morning, and sometimes in the evening right as the sun sets. It's a nice work out, and it helps me keep motivated. Now if only I could keep this stress-eating under control, things would be a lot easier… 

Anyways, here are some photos I took recently:

View of sunset during one of my runs.

My first week and a half.

I made cookies from only two ingredients: banana and oatmeal! 

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