Day 8: Up the Volcano and Back Again
POSTED ON Sunday, September 2, 2012 AT 4:27 PM \\

Sept 2

I finally hiked up the volcano today! I set out of my house at 6:30 AM, and after taking a few wrong roads, I arrived at the bottom of the volcano at around quarter past seven. The trail up the volcano was narrow and steep in some places and flanked by young trees. Spider webs kept getting in my way and I had to break them. By the time I reached the edge of the crater it was a little past 8. On top, I could see the inside of the crater. It took my breath away a little, standing on the lip of the rim and peering within. The crater and its sides were covered in thick dense deciduous trees. Fog drifted from the top to the skies. After attempting to take a few timed shots of myself and the scenery, I decided to head back down. My water bottle was empty and I had been advised to not hike the crater alone. The way back down was a little steep and slippery. I had to descend the top very carefully, scared of tripping, slipping or sliding down. It got easier as I kept going down. I found a Soldier Crab (see photo below). I almost mistook it for a rock, but the shell was too smooth so I picked it up and was surprised to see bright red claws protruding from beneath when I turned it upside down. I snapped some photos then put it down and waited for it to come out. I waited a few minutes but it refused to come out of its shell so I continued onwards. I took the shortest way back home, and I got back just a little before 9:30.

I caught the movie Hoodwinked on TV and I was startled to recognize the voice of the big bad wolf. I looked up IMDB and sure enough it was who I thought it was – the same voice actor as Kronk from the Emperor’s New Groove, one of my all-time favourite Disney movies! And apparently he is also Joe from Family Guy, and I’ve seen that show before but I’ve never recognized his voice until now while watching Hoodwinked. Strange!

Tomorrow is the official orientation day. We will be hearing speeches from members of the faculty as well as the student government. There will also be a white coat ceremony. I am excited to meet other new first term students! 

Entrance to the trail up the volcano.

Half-way to the top!

Very steep!!
At the top!!

I took a risk.

View from the crater rim looking down into the crater!!

Soldier Crab

View of the crater.

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